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The Latest Updates

Oct 7, 2020
John McDonald, Candidate for State Assembly, discusses the issues with News10

Jun 16, 2020
Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan Endorses Assemblymember John McDonald
I am honored to have the endorsement of City of Albany Mayor, Kathy Sheehan. Kathy and I have worked together for years on projects...

Jun 16, 2020
Times Union Endorses Assemblymember John McDonald
I am pleased to announce that I have received the endorsement of the Times Union. You can read the full editorial piece here.

Jun 14, 2020
Albany County Legislator Sean Ward Endorses Assemblymember John McDonald
I am honored to have the endorsement of Albany County Legislator, Sean Ward. Sean and I have worked together throughout the years on many...

Jun 11, 2020
Statement Announcing the Passage of Legislation to Protect Public Health and Safety
Senator Neil Breslin and Assemblymember John McDonald Announce the Passage of Legislation to Prohibit the Incineration of Firefighting...

Jun 8, 2020
Congressman Paul Tonko Endorses Assemblymember John McDonald
I am honored to have the endorsement of Congressman Paul Tonko who is an incredible leader for our community in Congress. I have...
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